Monday 11 May
Richard Moss (Durham University): "Thomas Pynchon and Waste: Thoughts on the nature of the discarded in Gravity's Rainbow"
Monday 18 May
Ann-Marie Einhaus (Durham University): "Cultural Texts and Functional Memory: Aleida Assmann on Canonisation"
Monday 25 May
Naomi Banks (Durham University): "'Images and symbols adequate to our predicament': Seamus Heaney and the development of Northern Irish Elegy"
Monday 1 June
Clara Dawson (Durham University): "The Meaning of Sound: The Hidden Life of Voice in Tennyson's Poetry".
Monday 8 June
Marc Botha (Durham University): "Exemplarity - The Real: Autopoiesis and a Para-ontology of the Example"
Monday 15 June
Maebh Long (Durham University): "Fragments of a Life: Derrida, Aphorisms and Autobiography"