21 January 2009

Epiphany Term Timetable

We have the titles for the papers to be presented over the next term. As usual, we will meet in the seminar room at Hallgarth House at 6:15pm. Looking forward to seeing you all there for more interesting papers and discussions.

Monday 26 January

Amy Jordan (Durham University): '“The body’s state stable & labile”: Crises of Self and Society in John Berryman’s Early Poetry'

Monday 9 February

Dr Alexander Regier (Cambridge University): "Wordsworth and Repetition"

Mondary 23 February

Eleanor Chatburn (Durham University): "'In Search of Home': Form and Quest in the Poetry of Derek Mahon"

Monday 9 March -
George Selmer (Anglia Ruskin University): "Paper or Wordsworth? The Medium is the Message"

Monday 16 March

Matthias Mosch (Durham University): “'Can Faustus Earn Redemption Still?' – Myth and Ideology: A Theoretical Approach"